Manifesting and Abundance

Living in abundance and prospering, experiencing joy and love is natural for us and it is a sign that we live in accordance with the Divine energy of Creation.

When our life is not all that, it is a sign that there are blockages in ourselves that disable us from living a life in spiritual and material abundance. We can imagine this as a faucet. Water is always available, if we turn on the faucet. When the faucet is turned off, the water does not flow. In this course, we will ‘turn on’ the faucet and prepare for abundance and prosperity to come into our lives.

Often, the motivation for development is to gain material abundance. It is interesting, that the lack of money often is not connected to money, but deeply stored beliefs in our subconscious and to the feeling of self-worth.

Some of us believe that there is not enough for everybody and that belief stirs jealousy and envy towards those who live in abundance. These kind of feelings take us even farther away from abundance and prosperity.

Beliefs that money is dirty, that rich people are dishonest and evil, that money corrupts people and that poor people are good and honest are disabling us from allowing abundance to enter our lives.

In this interesting and useful course, we will remove blockades to abundance and open ourselves up for new opportunities in all areas of our lives.

  • discover what we really wan
  • find out what is our Divine timing and how to recognise it in our lives
  • how to set healthy boundaries with others and how to cooperate with others
  • how to instantly manifest what we set out to accomplish
  • how to remember the future
  • work on hundreds of programs, that block abundance from coming to our lives
  • relinquish the feeling of jealousy, envy and helplessness

In this course for Manifesting, we will also:


Duration, conditions, address...

Precondition: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA and Advanced DNA

When: / early application gets you a free TH treatment!

The course lasts for two full days: from 9 am to 5:30 pm

Place: Hrastovička 36, Lučko-Zagreb

The course will be held by: Suzana Gajdek, ThetaHealing® instructor, NLP practitioner, Wingwave® coach and teacher of autogenic training

Price: 332 eur (in HRK counter value)  The payment is to be made on the first day of the course between 8-8.30am or to bank account nr: HR2023400091110612524 PBZ

The price includes:
•    Croatian manual and CD
•    International THInK Certificate (ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge)

Registration/application is required

Apply here

If you want to organize this Course held by me (in your country), please contact me.

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Simplicitas d.o.o.

Address: Hrastovička 36, Lučko-Zagreb mob.

+ 385 98 517759