Game of Life

    Life is a game – play it –! Mother Teresa

The ThetaHealing Game of Life course was developed by Vianna Stibal and Hiroyuki Miyazaki in 2010. Hiroyuki Miyazaki has worked in Wall Street as a project manager for 17 years. With the help of ThetaHealing, he was able to overcome his fear of heights and after that he started to use this technique in everyday life. He started to help his colleagues using this technique, so he wanted to create a three-day course that would join spirituality and his personal experiences in the world of business.

This course helps Theta Healing practitioners uncover and let go of all our barriers that disable us from having the fruitful life that we have only dreamed about. With the help of seven steps, we will teach our subconscious how to use our potentials and strength to create the best life for ourselves.

The first 6 steps remove the barriers formed by the influences of the outside world, family, colleagues, partners. We uncover and remove the barriers that are preventing us from attracting abundance and using our full strength. When we remove all of that, the seventh step is all about experiencing the joy and passion that comes with realising how you want to live in the future and manifest it accordingly. This is the path to recognize the hero in ourselves.

Be your own hero through joy and play!

Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Hiro) is the representative of ThetaHealing for Japan. In only two years, he was able to increase the use of ThetaHealing healing in Japan by 900% and today, Theta healing is the most widely used alternative healing technique, that is also recognised by conventional medicine

  • Getting rid of the limiting expectations of our parents
  • Letting go of the past
  • Being accepted by society
  • Dealing with peer pressure
  • Preparing for unlimited abundance
  • Preparing for success
  • Feeling the joy and passion in creating your own vision
  • Manifesting
  • Seeing the Divine timing with the help of group work
  • Getting out of our comfort zones and preparing for success in life

 This course will help you with:

Igra života

Duration, conditions, address...

Precondition: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA and Advanced DNA

When: / early application gets you a free TH treatment!

The course lasts for three full days: from 9 am to 5:30 pm

Place: Hrastovička 36, Lučko-Zagreb

The course will be held by: Suzana Gajdek, ThetaHealing® instructor, NLP practitioner, Wingwave® coach and teacher of autogenic training

Price: 370 eur (in HRK counter value). The payment is to be made on the first day of the course between 8-8.30am or to bank account nr: HR2023400091110612524 PBZ

The price includes:
•    Croatian manual
•    International THInK Certificate (ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge)

Registration/application is required

Apply here

If you want to organize this Course held by me (in your country), please contact me.

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Simplicitas d.o.o.

Address: Hrastovička 36, Lučko-Zagreb mob.

+ 385 98 517759